Education is liberation for all.
None of us are free until all of us are free.
At Keyes International School of Sports and Human Development, we commit to:
create an inclusive learning environment that welcomes and honors all students through their participation in academics, athletics, and the arts;
remove barriers to learning by focusing on student strengths, choice, passion, and universal design;
engage in curricula which allow students to learn from voices of those to whom they can relate and who often go unheard;
value families, communities, communication, and relationships to create a wraparound experience that celebrates who students are and where they come from;
teach students about their brains and help them develop emotional intelligence so they can learn to love themselves and function in healthy ways in community; and
abandon the use of gimmicks that obstruct an authentic, safe, compassionate, and trauma-informed environment for learning.
Keyes International School of Sports and Human Development provides an education like no other.
Feel free to contact Anne Cardea with any questions.
(303) 519-5317